Organic Plant Food & Fertliser
Viano All Round Plant Food - 4kg
Viano's All Round Plant Food is plant-based and made entirely of 100% vegetable raw materials.
An organic fertiliser for general use in ornamental, herb, fruit and vegetable gardens, the product is authorised for use in organic farming, lasting up to four months.
All Round Plant Food is suitable for use before planting, or to use as maintenance fertiliser during the growing season. Offering plants a wide range of essential nutrients, the feed activates soil life and improves soil structure.
Produced by solar energy for universal application, Viano All Round Plant Food does not leach out into the ground water and does not burn plants. It doesn't contain any by-products.
This 4kg box has a coverage of 40 to 80 square metres.
Applied and stored correctly, the product safe for children, pets and insects.
£23.99 (inc VAT)Product CodeALLROUND4
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Viano Rhododendron & Azalea Food - 4kg
Viano Rhodendron & Azalea Food is the ideal fertiliser for all rhododendron and azalea in your garden or in containers.
Made by solar energy, the organic-based fertiliser contains a high potash content which increases flower bud formation and improves the size of your blooms, as well as magnesium for bright colours.
This slow release fertiliser works for up to three months and is best applied from March to September.
When applied and stored correctly, the product is safe for children, pets and insects.
This 4kg box has a coverage of 40 - 80 square metres.
£24.99 (inc VAT)Product CodeRHODODENDRON4
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Viano Organic Plantfood for Fruit & Vegetables - 4kg
From the tried and trusted stable of Viano organic fertilisers comes a new all-round plantfood that gives enthusiastic gardeners better-tasting and healthier vegetables and fruit.
Already well-established across the Channel for more than 10 years, Viano Organic Plantfood has now arrived in the UK.
This fertiliser has been specially developed to promote healthier and better-tasting fruit and vegetables, herbs and kitchen garden plants.
As a long-lasting fertiliser – three to four months – Viano Organic Plantfood produces a wide range of essential elements, with the added bonus of enhancing soil life, improving soil structure and increasing nutrient concentration in the soil.
The easy-to-spread fertiliser crumbs can be incorporated prior to planting or sowing – or used to give fruit and vegetables a boost just when they need the extra nutrition.
Viano Organic Plantfood is ideal for all leaf and root crops and can be applied to all fruit crops – including apples and pears.
Harmless to pets, wildlife and children, this fertiliser is used at 100 grams per square metre before planting or sowing, and 50 grams during the maintenance period – with applications necessary only every eight to 10 weeks. 4kg treats around 80 square metres.
It has the added environmental pedigree of being manufactured entirely using solar energy.£24.99 (inc VAT)Product CodeORGANICPLANTFOOD4
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Viano Tomato Food - 4kg
Viano Tomato Food is an organic, natural fertiliser. The high potash content ensures an increased formation of flower buds and stronger, healthier and plentiful fruits.
Apply during planting, and as a top dressing during the growing season for tastier tomatoes.
The product, whichis made by solar energy, works for up to two months and is best applied from March to September, the ideal temperature outside being 12-15° and 12° in the greenhouse.
When applied and stored correctly, Viano Tomato Food is safe for children, pets and insects.
£27.49 (inc VAT)Product CodeTOMATO4
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Viano "Best Bloom" Organic Rose Food - 10kg
Roses are the crowning glory of any beautiful flower bed. They provide us with that summertime feel good factor with both their visual effect and their delicate perfume. But like all good things they don't just happen.
Roses come in all shapes and sizes from hybrid teas to shrub roses, ramblers, climbers and many others. Whatever type of roses you may grow they will benefit from just the right type of feed.
That's why Viano have developed Best Bloom Rose Food. It is organic and contains the ideal balance of nutrients to give your roses a healthy feed over as much as 100 days.
NPK 6-6-9 (+3 Magnesium). Ideal temperature 12-15° outside, 12° greenhouse.
£32.99 (inc VAT)Product CodeROSE FOOD
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Viano Organic Plantfood for Fruit & Vegetables - 10kg
From the tried and trusted stable of Viano organic fertilisers comes a new all-round plantfood that gives enthusiastic gardeners better-tasting and healthier vegetables and fruit.
Already well-established across the Channel for more than 10 years, Viano Organic Plantfood has now arrived in the UK.
This fertiliser has been specially developed to promote healthier and better-tasting fruit and vegetables, herbs and kitchen garden plants.
As a long-lasting fertiliser – three to four months – Viano Organic Plantfood produces a wide range of essential elements, with the added bonus of enhancing soil life, improving soil structure and increasing nutrient concentration in the soil.
The easy-to-spread fertiliser crumbs can be incorporated prior to planting or sowing – or used to give fruit and vegetables a boost just when they need the extra nutrition.
Viano Organic Plantfood is ideal for all leaf and root crops and can be applied to all fruit crops – including apples and pears.
Harmless to pets, wildlife and children, this fertiliser is used at 100 grams per square metre before planting or sowing, and 50 grams during the maintenance period – with applications necessary only every eight to 10 weeks. 10kg treats around 200 square metres.
It has the added environmental pedigree of being manufactured entirely using solar energy.£32.99 (inc VAT)Product CodeORGANICPLANTFOOD10
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